Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Germans VS Japanese

Both the Germans and the Japanese were extremely cruel in the experiments that they performed on these people. Reading these articles you see how inhumane these people actually were during this war at the time. I knew that bad things were happening during the war but I did not know that such bad things were happening. Like, I knew that there were these “doctors” at the German concentration camps but after reading the article about what they did, it makes you think how cruel can people be?

                I did not realize how cruel these Japanese soldiers were but they almost sound worse than the Germans who had concentration camps to hold their prisoners. When the Japanese soldiers went into Nanking, they did some things that other people would not even think of doing to another human being. Cutting people open and performing surgery on them while they were still alive without anything to numb the pain is not something that is okay to be doing to another human being. Some of the other things that they did in put people in pressure chambers until they were dead, spinning people to death, and pouring gas on them and burning them alive. This is not all they did to torture their victims, they also used them for things like bayonet practice, shooting targets, and they used them to test explosives. There is also much more that they did to their victims.

                The Germans were not a whole lot better either. They did a lot of the same stuff as the Japanese did. They also performed surgeries and experiments on their victims while they were still alive. They were also killing people by mass numbers and tried to wipe out an entire group of people. They were brutal to their victims just like the Japanese were. The Germans had things like concentration camps that they would use to kill large amounts of people.

                After it was all done, the worst part is, it that most of the Japanese got off the hook and nothing even happened to them for the things they did. They should have been punished like some of the Germans were.

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