Friday, September 19, 2014

Abuse or Discipline

If you have read the news lately you will see many articles about some professional athletes who are said to have “abused” either their kids or their wife or girlfriend. Many NFL players have been targeted lately for abuse charges. The big question that is being asked is where the line between discipline and abuse is.

I believe that you should be able to discipline your child and not have to worry about being punished for it. How are you supposed to teach a child right from wrong if you can’t discipline them? On the other hand, I do believe there is a line between discipline and abuse. I think that if you hit your child so bad that it leaves physical marks all over their body, it then becomes abuse and the parent should be punished.

I do not believe that you should ever hit your wife or girlfriend. Any man who hits a girl should be punished. Hitting a woman is wrong no matter what your reason may be. Men should have more respect than to ever hit a woman.

I think that the NFL players that are being punished through the NFL is wrong. I believe that the NFL should not be the one decides the punishment for these athletes and the law should provide the punishment just like it would for any average man who has committed these crimes.

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