Executive Orders
Along with being president, comes
great power and authority. Some say that certain presidents abuse this power
while others believe that everything the president does is for the good of the
country. I recently watched the film “Lincoln” and thought it was very
educational; but the question still comes to some historians who wonder if
Lincoln went against the constitution and abused his executive powers to try
and pass the thirteenth amendment and abolish slavery in the States.
At the time, Lincoln had issued
more executive orders than all the presidents that had served before him. Does
that mean he was abusing his powers as president? Some believe it is so, others
don’t feel that way. Even though Lincoln passed more executive orders than any
of the previous presidents before him, the decisions were more helpful than
harmful making them good decisions. I feel that Lincoln did not abuse his
executive powers, because all of his actions were an attempt to abolish slavery
and try to end the war as soon as he could. With the entire country in the
state of rebellion, Lincoln believed that he had the right to certain war
powers, which is a concept not in the Constitution.
If you were to compare our current
president Barack Obama to Lincoln, I feel that Lincoln did more for the people
than Obama. President Obama is passing numerous executive orders for the government to take over things such as
ways of transportation. He is also trying to take control of things like
communication media and health, education, and welfare functions. While Obama
is creating many executive orders to control everything about our country,
Lincoln was passing numerous executive orders to keep our country together.
I believe that Lincoln is one of
the country’s greatest presidents and he should be remembered that way. I think
the film “Lincoln” is a great way to honor what he did for this great nation in
which we all live in.
So you made a couple of good observations but I would like you to expand on some of Obama's executive powers next time.